Our Story

The Perfect Storm is created by a horse owner and breeder trained in nutrition science and a Registered Dietitian, looking for a supplement for her own horses that would promote overall health, good bone development, and performance.

The right supplement for the horses Condition

“I found it frustrating that supplements are designed to promote digestive health, immune support, hoof health, joint health, bone health, or performance. But, I want all of these positive aspects for my horses; and giving multiple supplements designed for each of these attributes individually is not only expensive, but could be unhealthy since they were not designed to work in concert.

I have raised and ridden cutting horses for over a decade and entered Thoroughbred racehorse breeding in 2016.

I know the critical importance of good bone growth and development to a horse’s career performance and, in fact, to its life. A horse with poor bone development and less bone density is prone to career ending injury and, sadly, fatal breakdowns. It doesn’t matter if the horse is a race horse, a barrel horse, a cutting horse, or a weekend trail riding horse; inadequate bone will one day show up as a problem.

“It is The Perfect Storm.”

The solution is easy, but not as available as I once thought it should be. My veterinarian has long told me to just feed a horse showing a bone-related problem more calcium; but finding an effective and bioavailable form of calcium is a challenge. So I did my research as a Ph.D food scientist, using my knowledge of human and animal nutrition, and created a formula that is designed to accomplish all of my desires for my horses’ health – it is The Perfect Storm.”